LOVE and WARdrobe

Cheating & Stalking Have Now Ended Their Relationship

Published in Pugwash

Along with a change in technology comes a change in romance. With only 52% of men sending their girlfriends a bunch of flowers, a girl is more likely to receive a poke on social networking site Facebook than a dozen roses. And with more couples using the means of Facebook as a lock down on their partner, we can probably expect more couples to be entering the divorce courts (and, of course, announcing their divorce on Facebook.)

I have been told no relationship is official until it is on facebook. However, many of my friends relationships have ended due to the sight. With this new access to a partners life, comes further insight to their partners behaviour when they are not with them. Tagged pictures reveal what a partner is getting up on a night out, (and who they have been stranding far too close too), wall to wall conversations can reveal your best friend has been flirting with your loved one and 'how did you meet this person' extract may cause a few worries when his 'best girl mate' decides it will be funny to put 'we met during a swingers party, had steamy sex and still get along great'.

Recently, a friends boyfriend added an ex on facebook. My friend messaged me asking why he would do this; was he meeting up with her again? Did i think she looked prettier in her profile picture than she does? Were they secretly messaging? And henceforth, hacked into his site, only to discover he had messaged her 'I’ve missed you baby, want to meet up?' . However, although she was experiencing several pangs of erratic jealousy, she could not tell him she had not only been stalking his page every day for updates, but also entering his account, and so could not act like she knew anything. So what is a girl to do? Of course, she quickly sought revenge by getting photographed sprawling on several guys (one including an ex) and promptly uploaded them to facebook; allowing her boyfriend to get jealous, but also not be in a position to admit he was looking at her profile. These are troubled times for romance indeed.